<center>Do These 5 Things So You Can Truly Enjoy a Vacation</center>

Do These 5 Things So You Can Truly Enjoy a Vacation

Finally!  Vacationing is back...and so is the stress that comes with planning one!

Everyone in your family is expecting some epic memory-making adventure while you're the one who needs to work out the 187 logistics to make it so. No pressure, right?

From the travel logistics & budgeting, packing of the right gear, scheduling activities to ensuring everything is order with your home & work so you can escape without worrying about what's left in your wake or waiting for you until you're back...it's a lot!

The goal is that YOU get to arrive to your vacation feeling just as invigorated for what's in store...not exhausted & ready to collapse from all the pre-vacation craziness that got you there! After all, you want to look refreshed & happy in all those vacation posts, too!

Here are some simple tips that could take the "edge" off vacations + a few FREE tools you can use to help you with your next getaway.

Do These Things So You Can Truly Enjoy the Vacation

1. Make. the. Lists.  To get started, as you think it, INK IT. During this stage of planning, don't worry about organizing your thoughts. Treat it as a brainstorming session to get everything out of your head onto paper. Packing/eating/activities/home & pet sitters/work commitments.  Get it all OUT OF YOUR BRAIN.  TIP: to help you keep up with "deadlines" create a calendar for your vacation planning. Scroll down for a free printable of the month. Use it as a worksheet.

2.  Schedule & book activities.  Sure, the purpose of the vacation is to have "no plans" and just enjoy the day...but nothing kills the vacation vibe more than showing up to the adventure only to learn that it's SOLD OUT or not available. Using that list you created in #1 above, include "Research destination activities" as a task. Dedicate an hour to surfing the web to find what's available & read the reviews.

Psst...then add the booking deadlines to the Monthly Printable you just downloaded free.

3. Create an itinerary. Now that you have activities booked, be sure that everyone on your trip knows when/where/how to dress.  Not every day needs to be planned to the minute, but having the "big plans" posted somewhere everyone can see is key. When you're ready to go to that amazing restaurant you've been dreaming about, you don't want your teens to return from the beach wet & sandy 15 min. before the dinner reservation!  

Psst again...print a clean copy of that free monthly calendar to post at your vacation rental for ALL to SEE!

4.  Are you traveling by car? Make your next pit stop at a grocery store. There's space for your kid's to run around, healthier (& more affordable) snack options and cleaner bathrooms!

5.  Spare yourself the post-vaca let-down:  Before you leave, empty the dishwasher, the hamper & the veggie drawer. Nothing slaps you back into reality than coming home to a stack of chores and rotten veggies.

Scroll for more tools to help you keep your sanity and make memories this Spring Break!


Remember Everything!

We've all arrived to our destination and realized we'd forgotten something ESSENTIAL. Whether it was the bottom half of our bathing suit or all the kids' toiletries, it throws a big wrench into our plans.

This FREE Packing List Digital Download is chock-full of items you may need for your trip with bonus lines for personalization. There may even be items you didn't realize you needed to remember!

Don't Be a Beach at the Beach!

Let's be honest, traveling as parents can be even more stressful than our usual home routine. Well, it doesn't have to be! Changing how we approach vacation can make it the relaxing/fun getaway we were hoping for.

The travel-ready Gratitude Finder® Journal is designed to help you document AND remember the good things like when you and your kids rode waves or shared late night giggles. Boost your mood and make it a vacation to remember!


Lists and More List

July 2023 Calendar

Savings Tracker


Keep Them Entertained!

Staring down the barrel of a week+ of all your kids being home? It can be difficult to figure out what to do with them all week.

This FREE Color Hunt Digital Download is designed to make outdoor (or indoor) adventures fun and educational! Whether it's your living room, your backyard or the local park, this fun worksheet helps foster curiosity and keep them entertained at the same time.

Keep Them Busy!

Do you have older kids who like to spend all your money on snacks and gadgets? Now is a good time to instill the value of money while keeping them busy (and taking a few things off your plate!) Help them them learn how to manage what they earn (& spend) while they are young!

This Earn & Learn® Chore Chart helps your child learn valuable life skills. Use the colorful boxes to list tasks, chores, to-do's while assigning each box a value.


Kid's To-Dos Chart

31 Days of Gratitude

Kid's Gratitude Worksheet

Enjoy making memories!