<center>9 Tips to Avoid the First Day Frenzy</center>

9 Tips to Avoid the First Day Frenzy

And a 5, 6, 7, 8!

The first day of school is like an unrehearsed dance. You're pushed on stage and no one is sure where to stand, let alone how to perform the next 8-count. One kid's backpack is still packed with last year's nubby pencils, another kid is glued to his iPad while he eats his cereal [no different than the last 60 days] and the other one is chomping at the bit to be the first one at the gate when it's finally unlocked like it's opening night for the new Star Wars movie.

With all this scrambling and attempts to orchestrate your crew, capturing that all-important first day of school photo can feel impossible.  

It seems like too much effort to try, but you know you'll be so happy to have that photo on the books! For weeks, social media will be flooded with first day photos from every other mom around the globe. Your kids can't be the only ones without this moment captured.

Let's do this.

Much like everything else, you just need to get one step, or one 8-count, ahead of the big day.

Here are 9 EASY Tips to help you capture these precious moments and still be present to remember them, too!

1. 'Twas the night before...

A common phrase in my home is "out of sight, out of mind."

On the night before the first day, put your signs out in plain view so that it's one less thing to scramble for in the morning mayhem.

Love the signs featured in the image? Get yours here.


2. A Shaded View

Lighting is key! Best lighting is natural light, so get outside.  

Find a spot that is in the shade like under a tree, on the covered porch or on the west side of your house that doesn't get the direct morning light. Avoid direct sunlight so that it's not too bright, too. Besides, you don't want them squinting (or complaining.)

Pro Tip: Scout out the spot the day before so that everyone knows the destination when you march them outside in the morn.

3. From Small to Tall!

Part of the fun of first day photos is being able to see them grow over the years. Take their photo near the same door, pillar or lamp post each year. Seeing their height relative to a familiar part of your home is so fun to see!  

Pro Tip: Remember to take their last day photo in the same place. You'll be amazed to see how much they grow in a single school year!

4. Sprout Up!

If you have a tree near you, snap their pic in front of it. Not only will the shade give you the perfect lighting, but it'll be cool to watch your child grow as that tree does! Every time you see that plant/tree, you'll be reminded of how it sprouted up along side of your child.

Growing up in PA, I remember doing hurdles over my parents' newly planted pine trees while we waited for the bus. Today, those trees tower above the telephone poles and we still tell the story of how I snagged the hem right out of my uniform skirt when I couldn't clear the 4th tree in the "course." Yes, I was running tree hurdles in a skirt. I was 10, it's what you did.

Pro Tip: Plant a tree around the summer before your child starts school and watch them both grow where they are planted!

5. All I want to do is a Zoom-Zoom...

You've already done all the heavy lifting...the kids are clean, the lighting is set & the photo shoot is underway!

Zoom in. Zoom out.

Get the full length shot and then zoom in to get that freckled face, toothless grin or tinsel teeth!


6. Hit Record

Unlike when we went to school, getting a video today doesn't involve a camera bigger-than-a-bread-box and giant boom mic. It's just a tap of a finger!

Tap record and ask your child a few questions. Ask them what they are going to be when they grow-up. Or what is the #1 thing they are most excited about in that school year.

Pro Tip: Be sure they hold their sign while they are answering so when you review it later, you remember what grade it was at first glance.

7. Get Their Sillies Out

Of course, you want the nice smile, facing the camera, holding the sign squarely in front of their chest, BUT...

They will have all day to sit nicely at their desk. Take the edge off the photo shoot and have them get a little goofy! When they do, snap that pic, too!

After all, that was the kid who was bouncing off your walls all summer!

8. ❤ Your Faves to Find it Fast

Do your future self a favor...

When you get THE shot, tap the ❤ below the image on your phone to mark it as your fave photo(s). That will automatically drop them into your favorites folder making SOOO much easier to find in the sea of 1000s of photos on your phone later. Whether you want to print it for your Class Keeper® binder or upload to your Class Keeper® app, you just saved yourself a ton a time! (Because once you start scrolling through photos, you know it's easy to lose hours!)

What's the Class Keeper®? Learn more here and then proceed to step #9!

9.   Do not pass go, Do not collect $200...

Upload the photo to the First Day frame in your Class Keeper® mobile app! It only takes a few secs to navigate to your child's grade album and upload it, you'll be so glad you did!  

Make a habit of adding new memories to your app to stove off the guilt. Now's your chance to make-up for that empty baby book.
Click Here or the image below to download the Class Keeper® App & Get Started FREE!

Now you're ready to conquer the first day of school! Well...mostly.

First & Last Day of School Signs | Photo Prop Deck | 17 Grades including T-K | (4) Styles - Denise Albright®

First/Last Day of School Signs
17 Grade Levels


Get this today...and you'll never have to sweat the First Day/Last Day of school photo EVER again. Like ever. Now with Transitional Kindergarten, too!

This “deck” of (17) 8x10 Back-to-School photo props includes First Day AND Last Day for EVERY grade level from preschool to college!

Each deck includes the ENTIRE series of First AND Last Day for:

  • Preschool
  • Pre-K
  • t-K (transitional kindergarten)
  • Kindergarten
  • First grade
  • Second grade
  • Third grade
  • Fourth grade
  • Fifth grade
  • Sixth grade
  • Seventh grade
  • Eighth grade
  • Ninth grade
  • Tenth grade
  • Eleventh grade
  • Twelfth grade
  • College
Class Keeper® Easiest School Days Memory Book | (2) Styles - Denise Albright®

Class Keeper®
Kid's Keepsake Binder


Check out the Mother-Saving Class Keeper® the school memory keeping system. Memories to remember for a lifetime + clean counters all wrapped up in one, compact keepsake binder!

This Class Keeper® is a creatively compact, easy-to-use scrapbook that will help you & your child capture the good stuff from their school journey. Using this keepsake binder and you'll create something that you both will enjoy having for years to come!
Say buh-bye to all those bins! May no bins of keepsakes ever exist! (You know, like the bins our own parents gave to us that we don't know what to do with.) Follow the simple guidelines and template pages of what to add and where to put it. In the end, you will have a beautiful (compact) collection of “the good stuff” that you'll cherish for years.

Choose from Two Styles:

  • Pastel Dots
  • Primary Stripes

Class Keeper® features:

  • Includes sections for preschool to college.
  • Any grade section can easily be removed if you’re starting this for a 2nd grader or choose to stop after 8th grade, for example. Simply remove unused pages easily.
  • The grade range is not published anywhere on the binder or box by design. So removing an incomplete section will never be known!

Each section includes:

  • “Words of Wisdom” page with quote bubbles that are just the right size for a meaningful note from several loved ones, including a note from the child to him/herself.  
  • First Day/Last Day template pages with side-by-side photo placement to see how much your child changed in a single school year! Ah-mazing transformation!
  • Placeholder for fun facts & favorites plus darling questions to gather answers that will melt you.  
  • Two full-size photo pages including one large enough for the 8x10 class photo.
  • Pockets for keepsakes that are wide enough for 8.5 x 11 size sheets of paper...yes! A pocket for every grade!

Other features you didn’t even know you needed:

  • Personalize (DIY) the keepsake box binding and the inside title page with your child’s name. Makes for a neat-looking stack on any shelf...not a bin in a corner of the attic.
  • Capture a photo of the first year in school and one from graduation on the same spread - then swoon over how they grew from precious to poised so quickly!
  • Wallet photo spread - attach a wallet-sized photo (or one that you trim to size) for every year to create a single view of your child over the years! (Finally, a placeholder for these wallet photos that you will cherish!)
  • Writing style - have your child write their name and date it each year. So cool to see their penmanship evolve!
  • Three-ring style bindery with plenty of room to add more pages if you wish. Tip: Use the bookmark ruler as a template to punch holes into additional pages. (Yes, we tried to think of everything a mom would love.)
  • Halloween spread - can’t remember which years he was a zombie and she was a mermaid? Jot the costume and year on this page. Add photos to the facing photo page to show off that pretty unicorn or handsome hero!
  • Bonus photo pages in the back of every binder, too!
  • Durable binder cover including metal corner reinforcements to last for decades!
  • Color coordinating keepsake gift box to have and to hold (and easily move from house to house, too!).

Class Keeper®
Keepsake APP


The all-new Class Keeper® app allows you to upload unlimited images and stories to create a collection of memories for each child that you [and your kids] will cherish for a lifetime.

Designed to be a companion to the Class Keeper® Keepsake Binder OR standalone, the app includes fan-favorite features from the Class Keeper® that you can now hold in the palm of your hand!

This Commemorative App Includes Many Helpful Features like:

  • Child Profiles for each child in your family. Upload a profile pic, fill in their name & birthday and personalize it with your choice of themes. Once the profile is created, you can begin adding photos, Keepers* and answer simple questions for each grade to capture your kids’ favorites throughout the years.
  • The *Keepers feature in this app is your designated placeholder to log all your favorite stories, blurbs, and tales for each child! Easily record them as they happen or in batches from the past. With the Keepers feature, you have your own library of all the darling/silly/crazy things your kid did & said!
  • First & Last Day Album for each grade! Simply upload the first & last day of school photos into each child’s Grade-Specific Album. Under each photo are fields to note fun facts & favorites, plus prompts & questions to gather answers that will melt you.
  • Easily scroll, err, swipe down memory lane! Once your first & last day photos have been added to the app, it is easy to see your child’s incredible transformation in the First & Last Day Highlight Reel. The highlight reel automatically pulls the first & last day photos you uploaded into each grade’s album into one cohesive series.
  • And so much more!

With this listing you are getting:

  • One full year of access to the Class Keeper® App
  • Unlimited photo storage!

To take advantage of this fantastic deal:

  • Add this item to your cart and complete your order
  • You will receive an email with a link to download the app and a code to redeem your year of access
  • Follow the directions in the email to get started!

Speaking of conquering, want some FREE tools to help you manage the school year?

Get the FREE Digital Downloads below!

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