10 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas That Won’t Wilt

10 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas That Won’t Wilt

While flowers are beautiful and all, my hubby knows that “surprising me with flowers” is hardly a surprise at all.  It takes about 17 seconds and little-to-no creativity to click the mouse a few times. It’s become a challenge to come up with something that is creative and most of all, thoughtful. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to make someone feel like a million!
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12 Super Bowl Party Menu Items to Score with the Entire Family

12 Super Bowl Party Menu Items to Score with the Entire Family

Whether you’re hosting or attending a party this Sunday, serve a menu that will score big points with your team, including the kiddos!  So, huddle up and check out these 12 Super Menu Ideas, but first, a few tips from the party playbook.  
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25 Sly Ways to Tell Your Kids You Love Them

25 Sly Ways to Tell Your Kids You Love Them

In my mind, I do all the things for my kids and pack their social lives because I want it to be special for them. But is all that what really counts in their minds?  The answer is likely, no. Here is a list of 25 [simple] things to do or say to your own kids that will speak right from your heart to theirs! Except for the ice cream treat in #2, they won't cost you a dime.
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6 Ways Meal Planning Spices Up Your Life

6 Ways Meal Planning Spices Up Your Life

Meal planning has a lot of benefits beyond just putting dinner on the table. We asked Melanie Zook, Registered Dietitian and founder of Fresh Start Nutrition, why she encourages meal planning.

Creating a plan helps streamline your efforts, ultimately saving you time, money and stress.  More than that, it's a way for you to create opportunities to engage with those you love. Involving friends and family in the prep and/or the dining experience itself, adds a social element that makes it more enjoyable for everyone.

Some of the other benefits are...

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7 Gifts of Organization That Will Change Everything about 2023

7 Gifts of Organization That Will Change Everything about 2023

When the ball drops on December 31, I'm ready with my New Year's resolutions. It includes the standard ones like drink more water, shed a few extra pounds, save money, spend more Q.T. with my family (gulp! One of mine will be in college this time next year!) and as always...Get Organized!

Well, in my 40+ years of making resolutions, I've never been successful at actually getting organized. 12 months later, I'm resolving to get organized yet again. That's all about change. This year, I'm getting organized with what I need to get organized. With the right tools, everything is about to change in 2023.
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8 Extra Ways to Use a Gratitude Journal

8 Extra Ways to Use a Gratitude Journal

It's no secret that we have the BEST fans in the biz. You guys have given us many golden ideas over the years that have helped us develop products to fit your needs. Fans like you have also shared some incredible ideas for using our products. The fan-fave, Gratitude Finder® journal, tops the list for ideas shared, and we want to share them with you!
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<center>8 Tips to Stash as Much as $2000 By Year End...Without Missing It!</center>

8 Tips to Stash as Much as $2000 By Year End...Without Missing It!

Like most of us in January, you’re cringing in anticipation of the credit card bills from the buying frenzy of Black Friday.  Let’s set you up for success for this time next year.  These tips will help you sock away a big nut by year end without ever missing it. Sound impossible? It’s not. Saving money is possible when one of these two things happen: you make more money or you spend less.
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<center>4 Easy Steps to Manage Your School Keepsakes | Buh-Bye Bins!</center>

4 Easy Steps to Manage Your School Keepsakes | Buh-Bye Bins!

Dig out those 27 school bins in your attic/basement/guest room closet and let's dig in! Now's the perfect time to reset your school keepsakes into an easy, compact, turn-key system. Your Mission, should you choose to accept it:  Say Buh-Bye to all those bins! The steps below will get you started capturing all the good stuff in a creatively compact way.  Here's (4) easy steps how...
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Women Rock This World with These Super Powers

Women Rock This World with These Super Powers

As an all-woman company, we know first-hand the talent, determination & perseverance each woman brings to a team. In honor of International Women's Day, we celebrate every woman, each incredible in her own way. However, there are a few who stand tall among them all. Read the inspiring stories of these six women & how they used their unexpected super powers to impact the world in amazing ways...
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The Ultimate Kids' Gratitude Adjustment

The Ultimate Kids' Gratitude Adjustment

Sometimes connecting with our kids, especially our tweens, can be like helping your kids through Common Core Math Problems. In the end, there's an answer, but how to get there is unlike anything we've ever done before! #carrythe1forever

But what if I told you, you could connect with your kids AND help them learn to be more positive and grateful at the same time?

Check out simple, actionable guide to adjusting that attitude of gratitude so you and your kids can appreciate the good things despite the tornado of laundry chaos in the background.

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Why 'Orange Garbage Truck' is a Holiday Drinking Game I Never Want to Play Again

Why 'Orange Garbage Truck' is a Holiday Drinking Game I Never Want to Play Again

Last year, I ordered this orange garbage truck for my son Ledge for Christmas. I ordered it on Black Friday (your girl likes a deal), but it kept getting delayed, and delayed, and delayed again. Short story, Ledge did not get his orange garbage truck on Christmas. Nope, he was wandering the house looking for it though...
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Top 10 #MomLife Jokes - Denise Albright®

Top 10 #MomLife Jokes

#momlife is full of all kinds of things...including plenty of laughable ones!  Here is a compilation of some of our best posts that give you a little insight mom life. 

If you have a #momlife excerpt to share, please open this blog and comment.  It brings us joy to hear from other moms!

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